Why You?


Good opportunities are like plantations

They require good soil

Good soil yields a good tree

A good tree bears good fruit

Good fruit gives good health

Good health gives food livelihood

To get these benefits

You must first be worthy & deserving

You must first ask yourself the cardinal question

& What determines if you deserve it is your hunger & raw determination for your goals


Why should great people with great minds invest their time energy, effort & resources allocating specifically to you as opposed to the person next?

Why you?


Great minds like the vicinity of other greats

It's called " The Law of Attraction "

If you're gonna say you want great things no matter under what gravity they may be truly & surely you will get them

Life-changing wisdom & knowledge aren't gonna come falling from the sky onto YOUR lap

For energy & effort to be vested in you, there must be a vested interest change FROM YOU

Why on earth would random events happen randomly distinctly?

There is not no such thing as just luring chance

To impose a change in your physical surroundings you must cause it

Cause it or remain the same forever

Live a mediocre life wilt and die

Investments are called investments because an investor expects to yield a higher return on investment

If 1+1=2 then make it make sense

If you are an idiot you'll opt to say that 1+1=11

People such as these out to stay far far away from me

You're not about to just join my group & not reciprocate value back to me

An excellent human being such as I & expects to be spoon-fed knowledge just by clicking join

Reality is subjugated to the wills of many men

But not all men can control it

Most would control the controllable as a word of advice

& They'r not wrong

What it takes is a ripe mind willing and ready for change

There couldn't be any time for internal conflicts

Whose gonna deal with all your internal misdialogue

Causal relationships

Causal change

These things go hand in hand

How would you feel if there were insects’ grotesque energies

Evaporating souls surrounding you, Suffocating in real-time & if you even talk about the things within you, that govern your mind

You're gonna get in trouble and you know it

Inviting others to share your space isn't an easy thing to do but it must be done for the greater cause

On the macro aspect of things, it is necessary to do this

One self-fulfilling, self-sustaining person outweighs a dozen in value

It is better to be alive in a society of nobodies than to be included among them

I'll get there, I WILL! get there

Nothing is gonna stop me; NOTHING!!

It only takes. a few real players in the game to impose

real change

Are you one of many who want change?

